Datos Normativos para pruebas neuropsicológicas en español
Normative Data for Spanish-language neuropsychological tests
Población pediátrica de habla hispana
Spanish-speaking pediatric population
Datos Normativos
Normative data for Spanish-language neuropsychological tests: A step forward in the assessment of pediatric populations
Datos Normativos
Methodology for the development of normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric populations
Datos Normativos / Test
Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure – copy and immediate recall (3 minutes): Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric populations
Datos Normativos / Test
Stroop Color-Word Interference Test: Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
Datos Normativos / Test
Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (M-WCST): Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
Datos Normativos / Test
Trail Making Test: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish-speaking pediatric population
Datos Normativos / Test
Symbol Digit Modalities Test: Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
Datos Normativos / Test
Shortened Version of the Token Test: Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
Datos Normativos / Test
Concentration Endurance Test (d2): Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
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Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III: Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
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Newly developed Learning and Verbal Memory Test (TAMV-I): Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
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Verbal fluency tests: Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
Población adulta hispanohablante de América Latina
Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos
Commonly used Neuropsychological Tests for Spanish Speakers: Normative Data from Latin America
Datos Normativos
Methodology for the development of normative data for ten Spanish-language neuropsychological tests in eleven Latin American countries
Datos Normativos / Test
Standard form of the Boston Naming Test: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
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Verbal fluency tests: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos / Test
Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (M-WCST): Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos / Test
Stroop Color-Word Interference Test: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos / Test
Symbol Digit Modalities Test: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
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Trail Making Test: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos / Test
Brief Test of Attention: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos / Test
Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure – copy and immediate recall: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos / Test
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test– Revised: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population
Datos Normativos / Test
Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM): Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population