Evaluación final / Curso internacional sobre neuropsicología infantil
Para obtener el certificado tienes que superar la evaluación, para ello deberás responder correctamente al menos el 70% de las preguntas.
Curso Internacional de Evaluación y Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica de los Trastornos de la Infancia y la Adolescencia
Conocer los últimos avances en el área de evaluación, diagnóstico y rehabilitación de aquellos problemas neuropsicológicos que suelen presentarse más comúnmente en la infancia y adolescencia.
Para obtener el certificado tienes que superar la evaluación, para ello deberás responder correctamente al menos el 70% de las preguntas.
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Antonini, T. N., Raj, S. P., Oberjohn, K. S., Cassedy, A., Makoroff, K. L., Fouladi, M., & Wade, S. L. (2014). A pilot randomized trial of an online parenting skills program for pediatric traumatic brain injury: improvements in parenting and child behavior. Behavior Therapy, 45(4), 455-468.
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Arango-Lasprilla, J. C., Nicholls, E., Cabrera, T. V., Drew, A., Jimenez-Maldonado, M., & Martinez-Cortes, M. L. (2011). Health-related quality of life in caregivers of individuals with traumatic brain injury from Guadalajara, Mexico. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 43(11), 983-986.
Arango-Lasprilla, J.C., Olabarrieta-Landa, L., Laseca Zaballa, G., Carvajal Castrillón, J. A. & Ramos Usuga, D. (2019). Traumatismo craneoencefálico en adultos. En J.C. Arango-Lasprilla & L. Olabarrieta-Landa (Eds.). Daño cerebral. (pp.47-94). Bogotá: Editorial Manual Moderno.
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Caplan, B., Bogner, J., Brenner, L., Manskow, U. S., Sigurdardottir, S., Røe, C., … & Anke, A. (2015). Factors affecting caregiver burden 1 year after severe traumatic brain injury: A prospective nationwide multicenter study. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 30(6), 411-423.
Castro, C. M., Wilcox, S., O’sullivan, P., Baumann, K., & King, A. C. (2002). An exercise program for women who are caring for relatives with dementia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64(3), 458-468.
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Damianakis, T., Tough, A., Marziali, E., & Dawson, D. R. (2016). Therapy online: a web-based video support group for family caregivers of survivors with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 31(4), E12-E20.
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D’Zurilla, T.J. & Nezu, A.M. (2010). Problem-Solving Therapy. En K.S. Dobson (Ed.) Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies (pp.197-225). New York: The Guilford Press
Gan, C., Gargaro, J., Kreutzer, J. S., Boschen, K. A., & Wright, F. V. (2010). Development and preliminary evaluation of a structured family system intervention for adolescents with brain injury and their families. Brain Injury, 24(4), 651-663.
Huang, S. J., Ho, H. L., & Yang, C. C. (2010). Longitudinal outcomes of patients with traumatic brain injury: A preliminary study. Brain Injury, 24(13-14), 1606-1615
King, A. C., Baumann, K., O’Sullivan, P., Wilcox, S., & Castro, C. (2002). Effects of moderate-intensity exercise on physiological, behavioral, and emotional responses to family caregiving: a randomized controlled trial. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 57(1), M26-M36.
Kolakowsky-Hayner, S. A., & Kreutzer, J. (2000). Family intervention after traumatic brain injury. En M. Grabois, S. Garrison, K. Hart, & L. Lehmkuhl (Eds.). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: The Complete Approach (pp. 504-512). Malden, MA: Blackwell Science.
Kratz, A. L., Sander, A. M., Brickell, T. A., Lange, R. T., & Carlozzi, N. E. (2017). Traumatic brain injury caregivers: A qualitative analysis of spouse and parent perspectives on quality of life. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 27(1), 16-37.
Kreutzer, J. S., Gervasio, A. H., & Camplair, P. S. (1994). Primary caregivers’ psychological status and family functioning after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 8(3), 197-210.
Kreutzer, J. S., Kolakowsky-Hayner, S. A., Demm, S. R., & Meade, M. A. (2002). A structured approach to family intervention after brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 17(4), 349-367.
Kreutzer, J. S., Stejskal, T. M., Ketchum, J. M., Marwitz, J. H., Taylor, L. A., & Menzel, J. C. (2009). A preliminary investigation of the brain injury family intervention: Impact on family members. Brain Injury, 23(6), 535-547.
Lehan, T., Flores Stevens, L., & Arango Lasprilla, J.C. (2016). Intervención para familias de pacientes con lesión medular/traumatismo craneoencefálico. Top Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 22(1): 4959
Livingston, L. A., Kennedy, R. E., Marwitz, J. H., Arango-Lasprilla, J. C., Rapport, L. J., Bushnik, T., & Gary, K. W. (2010). Predictors of family caregivers’ life satisfaction after traumatic brain injury at one and two years post-injury: A longitudinal multi-center investigation. NeuroRehabilitation, 27(1), 73-81.
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Moriarty, H., Winter, L., Robinson, K., Piersol, C. V., Vause-Earland, T., Iacovone, D. B., … & Gitlin, L. N. (2016). A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the veterans’ in-home program for military veterans with traumatic brain injury and their families: Report on impact for family members. PM&R, 8(6), 495-509.
Niemeier, J. P., Kreutzer, J. S., Marwitz, J. H., & Sima, A. P. (2018). A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of a Manualized Intervention for Caregivers of Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury in Inpatient Rehabilitation. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Nonterah, C. W., Jensen, B. J., Perrin, P. B., Stevens, L. F., Cabrera, T. V., Jiménez-Maldonado, M., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2013). The influence of TBI impairments on family caregiver mental health in Mexico. Brain Injury, 27(11), 1287-1293.
Norup, A., Perrin, P. B., Cuberos-Urbano, G., Anke, A., Andelic, N., Doyle, S. T., … & Carlos Arango-Lasprilla, J. (2015). Family needs after brain injury: A cross cultural study. NeuroRehabilitation, 36(2), 203-214.
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Perrin, P. B., Stevens, L. F., Villaseñor Cabrera, T., Jimenez-Maldonado, M., Martinez-Cortes, M. L., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2013). Just how bad is it? Comparison of the mental health of Mexican traumatic brain injury caregivers to age-matched healthy controls. NeuroRehabilitation, 32(3), 679-686.
Petranovich, C. L., Wade, S. L., Taylor, H. G., Cassedy, A., Stancin, T., Kirkwood, M. W., & Maines Brown, T. (2015). Long-term caregiver mental health outcomes following a predominately online intervention for adolescents with complicated mild to severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40(7), 680-688.
Raj, S.P., Antonini, T.N., Oberjohn, K.S., Cassedy, A., Makoroff, K.L., & Wade, S. L. (2015). Web-based parenting skills program for pediatric traumatic brain injury reduces psychological distress among lower-income parents. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 30(5), 347-356.
Rivera, P. A., Elliott, T. R., Berry, J. W., & Grant, J. S. (2008). Problem-solving training for family caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injuries: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(5), 931-941.
Rivera, P., Elliott, T. R., Berry, J. W., Grant, J. S., & Oswald, K. (2007). Predictors of caregiver depression among community-residing families living with traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation, 22(1), 3-8.
Rotundi, A. J., Sinkule, J., & Spring, M. (2005). An interactive web-based intervention for persons with TBI and their families. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 20(2), 173-185.
Sander, A. M., Clark, A. N., Atchison, T. B., & Rueda, M. (2009). A web-based videoconferencing approach to training caregivers in rural areas to compensate for problems related to traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 24(4), 248-261.
Schönberger, M., Ponsford, J., Olver, J., & Ponsford, M. (2010). A longitudinal study of family functioning after TBI and relatives’ emotional status. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 20(6), 813-829.
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Taylor, H. G., Yeates, K. O., Wade, S. L., Drotar, D., Stancin, T., & Burant, C. (2001). Bidirectional child–family influences on outcomes of traumatic brain injury in children. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 7(6), 755-767.
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