Decision-making on an explicit risk-taking task in children and adolescents with high intellectual abilities: a neuropsychological perspective
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and their Families in Puerto Rico
Executive functions and memory strategies in healthy individuals with high and low cognitive reserve: A comparative study
Family history of dementia associated with lower phonemic fluency on the Spanish version of the CERA D
Perfil neuropsicológico de niños con coeficiente intelectual limítrofe y comorbilidad con trastornos de la conducta, emocionales y del neurodesarrollo
El beneficio de la lactancia materna en el desarrollo cerebral infantil en niños típicos de o a 5 años
Escala de Autorreporte de Funcionamiento Ejecutivo (AFE) para adolescentes: construcción, baremación y validación